Advantages of Wearing Stiletto Heels

Well, women will agree that wearing stilettos heels can be torturing for so many reasons, but new discovery say that there is one reason that makes stilettos heels beneficial. Men are more than glad to help women in towering heels.

In a number of French studies that were only published a while ago in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, researchers and experts found out that shoes have an effect on the ability of people to help random strangers. In the initial studies, women were supposed to wear 9 centimeter high heels, 5 centimeter high heels and flat shoes and then about 270 men and 180 women to come and take part in the survey. The researchers were more than lucky for getting men when she wore higher heels. However, for women, it seemed not to have any kind of effect on them, especially when it came to helping out.

In a different study, women were asked to wear high heels, low heels and flat shoes. A glove wear dropped near a man or a woman passing by. Researchers found out that a pattern glove drops later. The study found out that men were more willing to help women in higher heels. However, the same could not be said of women: they were not inclined to help at all.

 Unsatisfied with the results, the researchers decided to take their study to the streets, to three different bars. Here, they calculated how long it could take for 36 men to hit on a woman with high heels, sitting all alone. They also did this for women wearing flat shoes and medium heels. It was found that men hit on women with high stilettos heels than women in medium heels and flat shoes.

 This clearly shows how stilettos heels are important, especially for women looking for men.
